When choosing tapware, take into consideration whether they will be mounted directly to the basin, sink or bath, in the wall, or counter top. Their mounting position will have a huge impact in terms of size and style. It is important to consider the height of tapware, as this can affect normal operation of overhead cabinetry.
While it is important to choose tapware based on the ease of use, you would also want them to complement the style of your bathroom. Basins and baths that have curved designs tend to look better with mixers that have rounded spouts and handles.
Also keep in mind that your tapware should carry a W.E.L.S. rating to comply with government regulations. For more information about W.E.L.S. rating you can visit the Australian government website: http://www.waterrating.gov.au/.
Please note – when tapware is installed, all standards and regulations governing sewerage, plumbing, water supply and gas applicable to the location of the particular plumbing installation must be observed. This includes the Australian Standards (AS/NZ 3500.1-2003, Clause 3.3.4) which specify that water pressure must be limited to 500kpa on any new home, extension or renovation. The recommended continuous operating pressure for tapware is between 150-500kpa (maximum static pressure must not exceed 500kpa).